MissingRemoteId: missing log2timeline/dfwinreg (inferred from URI 'https://github.com/log2timeline/dfwinreg')
MissingRemoteId: missing dfwinreg (inferred from URI 'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/d/dfwinreg/dfwinreg-20211207.tar.gz')
PythonInlinePyPIURI: version 20200121: inline PyPI URI found matching pypi.eclass default, inherit the eclass, and remove SRC_URI instead
PythonInlinePyPIURI: version 20200415: inline PyPI URI found matching pypi.eclass default, inherit the eclass, and remove SRC_URI instead
PythonInlinePyPIURI: version 20201006: inline PyPI URI found matching pypi.eclass default, inherit the eclass, and remove SRC_URI instead
PythonInlinePyPIURI: version 20211205: inline PyPI URI found matching pypi.eclass default, inherit the eclass, and remove SRC_URI instead
PythonInlinePyPIURI: version 20211207: inline PyPI URI found matching pypi.eclass default, inherit the eclass, and remove SRC_URI instead